
How To Organize All Your Reading Workshop Goodies and {FREEBIES}!

Last summer as I was going through all of my amazing resources that I have collected over the past six years I came to a bit of a revelation...I am a hoarder of teaching items! {GASP!} I strive to be the uber organized Jodi from Clutter-Free Classroom, but I am not. So undertaking all of my reading resources and organizing them into one spot was going to be quite a summer project for me. It all started with a 3" binder that I could take everywhere with me...

First of all, our district put together this wonderful pacing guide (that I would love to share - but is still in draft form with the district) to align all of our reading comprehension strategies, phonics lessons, and all things speaking and listening into one common core friendly document. {I heart it!} After we were given this document, I went through and typed all of my mini-lessons (57 pages worth) and then broke them into sub-categories by comprehension strategy. A lot of my mini-lesson ideas came from The Learning Pad and I edited them to make them work in my own classroom, so because the ideas aren't originally mine I won't share this crazy document with you. But, {HERE} is the original website if you would like to check out her amazing reading workshop mini lessons!

I then went through and gave an individual tab to each comprehension strategy for graphic organizers (ex. schema and all activities schema related - all in one place). We also developed these graphic organizers that you can download here for {FREE} or by clicking the pic below! There are 50 different graphic organizers that help review making connections, visualizing, schema, summarizing, retelling, and predicting/inferring.

After that, I spoke to our AUH-MAZING Interventionist, Louann, who was able to provide me with a book list that the district created that matches up to all the strategies. Awesome, right?!?! Click the pic below to download five pages of books and the strategies they match up to :)

But, my FAV part of this fab flip it over and {BAZINGA!} all of my writer's workshop resources too!

But, that's a tale for another day :)

                                                                Lisa and Beth :)