
Share books with your students! From your desk!

Do you want your students to read more? Of course! Do you spend lots of time on bulletin boards and displays, trying to entice your kids into trying certain authors or series? I did, until I figured this out one day.
I put this simple sign in an acrylic sign holder on my desk.
Next to the sign, I placed a book that I have actually read. I'm an elementary school librarian, so I have lots of books to choose from. But I know that you awesome elementary teachers have plenty of books to share from your classroom library!
Students walk up to my desk, see the sign, and ask me about the book. I talk about all the things I loved about the book, tailoring my pitch to the individual student.
If you don't have an acrylic sign holder (about $7 at Office Max), you can just laminate the sign and tape it to your desk, or an area in your classroom library. When a student takes the book on display, you don't have to copy, color, cut out, or laminate anything to re-create your display. Just grab another book and put it on the spot.
This is working really well for me. The sign is a free download from my TPT store. 
Try it, and watch how quickly you get books into the hands of your students!
Happy reading!