
Student Lead Conferences In Kindergarten

I have been teaching Kindergarten at the same school for the past 7 years. My first year there was when I met my fabby teammate Kim! Well, she had done student lead conferences before and brought the idea to our PLC. We thought we would try it. Long story short...still doing student lead conferences! I love it, the kids love it and the parents love it! Our conferences are scheduled for 20 minutes. We set it up that the first 10 minutes are lead by the Kindergarten student. The last 10 minutes are for me to address specific progress, work samples, and any questions that they may have. I would love to say that I have this great check list of what I share, but I do not! Everyone's work is different. I always try to save a writing sample, some station work, and any other work that catches my eye :-) I also share progress on specific academic areas. I complete an interview with each prior to their conference. We practice the classroom tour and they are ready to go!! Here is a copy of the letter that gets sent home with the P/T conference preference sheet. 2nd Conf. Parent Letter This is the interview that I do with each child. The second page is where the kids draw a face to show how they feel about each subject. They are really honest about this! I usually tell them that they can draw frown, straight, or smile! If they draw a frown, then we talk about why they feel that way. I also always ask them how they think I can help them more with that area! Kindergarten Interview Student Lead Conference The actual conference looks like this: The child comes in and shows the parents around the room. They can show them where they check in for lunch, their desk, their cubby, one of their favorite stations (they also have to explain one activity that they do there). You can have them share their writing piece with them also. Once they are finished, then I have them go on the computer (with the head phones on) and then the parents and I can complete the rest of the conference! They absolutely love it!!
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