Wondering is a skill that needs to be practiced. It is not easy to learn if you have never been asked what you are thinking. Let's face it...many of our kids are trained to think of the RIGHT answer only or never asked their opinion on the world.
So with the winter weather still with us... I decided to make up an activity on Wondering about Winter. What do you wonder when you look at this photograph? I wonder how many people went hungry in the cars? Were their any children stuck on the road? How long did the cars stay there? How fast was the snow? So many wonders pop into my mind when I look at this....
It is available for FREE at this website
To read more about ways to implement these activities...hop on over to my blog and read one of my past posts.

So with the winter weather still with us... I decided to make up an activity on Wondering about Winter. What do you wonder when you look at this photograph? I wonder how many people went hungry in the cars? Were their any children stuck on the road? How long did the cars stay there? How fast was the snow? So many wonders pop into my mind when I look at this....
It is available for FREE at this website
To read more about ways to implement these activities...hop on over to my blog and read one of my past posts.