I like to have hands-on activities for the reluctant readers to do with the stronger readers in my class. I take sentences from stories we are reading in class and write each word on separate note cards. I then mix them up and have my students work in small groups to sort them into real sentences. They are allowed to use their books to check their sentences. At times, I give groups more than one sentence to put together. In that case, I color code the words. For instance, all words from page 1 might be blue and all words from page 2 might be green. That way, they don't accidentally mix too many words together and get confused.
I do the same sort of activity with cutting out words to sort and paste in order on worksheets. If you would like to try this format, head on over to my store to grab your free copy. I also have a follow up sheet that allows the reader to re-read their sentence and draw a picture of it as a means of checking to see if the student understood what they read.
