Show, Not Tell Lesson Plan

Looking through my teacher closet at home, I found my middle school lesson plans.  I work with PK-3rd grade teachers now and love it.  But I do miss teaching those lovely, unpredictable middle school students.  One of my favorite lessons to teach was the writing strategy "show, not tell."  The strategy helped students create more vivid images in the readers mind.

Telling:  He was angry.
Showing:  After he stomped down the hallway, he slammed the door to his bedroom.

Click the image below to be taken to my lesson plan for how I taught my students to show, not tell.  The file includes two versions of the lesson plan (the first is my exact lesson plan and the second is the plan with lines where my examples were), Common Core alignment for sixth-eighth grade standards, and writing stationary that can be used to showcase spectacular writing.

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