
Spicy Survey - integrate math and reading!

Do your students love story of The Three Little Pigs?  Have you read The Three Little Tamales?  If not, you should! Your students will love it!  It’s another Eric A. Kimmel take on a traditional story. I'm putting together a weeklong unit to eventually sell on TpT, but I want to give everyone a taste of what's to come by offering up some freebies from the unit.   This is the first but there will be more to come!

**Please keep in mind this freebie is part of a whole.** 

It is designed to accompany the reading of The Three Little Tamales and The Three Little Pigs. This is a fun way to integrate math and reading.

I wanted to get my ELLs talking, in general and specifically about the book and related topics.  So, I’ve created a survey.  You can download it at my TpT store by clicking here, or by clicking any of the images below.  

You will be able to conduct a whole class survey, and students will be able to survey each other with these materials.

If you do use this resource please do take the time to leave feedback, I very much appreciate it!
