

We had a huge thunderstorm here last night, so the sidewalks are covered with earthworms this morning!

Have you ever had an Earthworm Day in your classroom? It's an awesome experience. My favorite part is giving timid children the confidence to try something they probably thought they'd never do - hold a wriggling earthworm in their own hands! It's truly a joy to watch!

Even if the thought of earthworms finds you thinking "Yuck!", check out this post at my blog to see the details on our day. You just might be convinced to give it a try in your own classroom!

You'll also find a free mini-KWL chart there (can't seem to get it on here...:), along with the exit printable below.

Stop by today to find out more about tomorrow's Teacher Appreciation Jackpot. For one day only, there will be  86 free PreK -2 items, yours for the clicking! I'm in - how about you?

Happy Teaching!