
Freebie Frames: Stars and Squiggles

I love a rainy day! I don't know about your small area of the world, but we really NEEDED the rain. And, I most certainly enjoyed my rainy day and got to play on my computer for hours without feeling guilty. No flowers, no lawn, no incomplete projects calling my name. Ahhh ... I miss it already. So my rainy day yielded you a free frame this Friday. I used primary colors in one ... perfect for all of your Back to School projects. Just click on the preview below and head on over to my TpT store for your free download. While your there, I would love you to become my newest follower. A few more rainy days like yesterday and I will be posting more fun frames and borders. Oh gotta go ... I think that I hear my garden calling me! I guess that I wasn't the only one who appreciated all that rain.