
Turkey Craft & Freebie!

Even though our daughter knows her colors, I find that it is very important to reinforce skills over and over.  If I get too lax and think she has something mastered and don't review it, I find she can get rusty.  So, even if your preschooler knows all the colors, this is a fun way to review and just have a little turkey fun!

Here are the materials for the turkey craft:
  • Old CD or card stock circle about the size of a CD
  • Large pom-pom
  • Google eyes (or foam pieces)
  • Tiny foam triangle for the nose
  • 2 Foam hands or your child's hand traced onto colored card stock 
  • Craft feathers
  • Feather die (included in my freebie)
  1. Glue the hands one behind the other.  Make sure you only glue the palms so you can sticks the feathers in between the hands/fingers.
  2. Glue the CD onto the hands.
  3. Glue the big pom-pom into the center hole in the CD.
  4. Glue on the google eyes and nose.  
  5. Print the Feather Die in the freebie onto card stock and laminate for durability. 
  6. You can stand your turkey up by placing it in play-doh.
  7. Have your student or child roll the feather die.  
  8. Chose the color feather that is shown and stick it in between the hands.
  9. Continue rolling until you have one of each color or until you use all the feathers you have.
Here is a picture of our turkey:

This is a more tactile version of the game.  However, I have a printable FREEBIE for you :)  Print it on card stock and laminate for durability.  You can use tacky adhesive to put the feathers on.  This way you can use it over and over.  Click on the picture of the cube below to grab your freebie!