
Valentine Fluency Freebie

Are you looking for a fun way to spice up your fluency groups for February?

These are "labeled" for 3rd grade, but you could use them in 1st or 2nd as well. These are phrases that use the 3rd set of Fry's 600 high frequency words.

My kids love to play the game "Bang!" with them. Here's how:

  1. Mix up all the cards and put them in a container.
  2. Students will take turns drawing out the fluency cards from the can and trying to read them.   
  3. If they can read the phrase fluently (no word-by-word robot reading)they get to keep the card. If they can't, it goes back it in the container. 
  4. Game play continues back and forth between partners or around the group in a clockwise fashion.  
  5. When a "Bang!" card is pulled out of the can, the student who drew it has to return all their cards to the can. The "Bang!" card is placed in a separate pile on the floor or table .
  6. The game is played until all the cards are drawn, and the player with the most cards wins.

I hope this is something you can use! Click any of the images on this post to grab it for your classroom!