
Pronoun Song!

Howdy Freebie Peeps!

I'm so excited to share a new freebie with you today! 

We have been studying pronouns for the last week or so and I finally came across a song my kids L-O-V-E singing to help them remember why we use pronouns. I had it on a chart in our room, but they were begging for a copy to put in their Grammar Skills Journal. 

Who could say no to that?!? :)

You will only need a couple of things to use this freebie:

1. A knowledge of the Spongebob Squarepants theme song. 

2. No shame in singing whatsoever. The more ridiculous you are in singing "loud and proud" as we like to say in Room 3, the more likely they are to sing along with you.

If you've go both of those, then click on over!

I've got color and ink friendly versions waiting for you!