
Biography Foldable Flip Book

Good morning! Hope your week is off to a great start. Mrs. D here, from The Third Wheel, to share one of my favorite freebies. I've used it for 3 years now, and I LOVE it!

Today I want to share a little tool that has been a great addition to my language arts toolbox and helps me cover those important social studies standards at the same time! I love foldables, and this one is one that has come in handy over and over again for me.

If your classroom is anything like mine, it is hard to fit it all in. Sometimes it just feels like the wheels are spinning. A couple years ago, I decided to use my literary nonfiction unit to cover some of the 300+ people covered in our social studies standards. I used this foldable flip book to help me cover the social studies portion. It didn't take my students a ton of time to complete after reading their biography (maybe 30 minutes), but it allowed me to do double duty! Does it get any better than that?

The foldable can be used with longer books (like I use it), but it can also be used for smaller articles or videos you may watch. It is a fun, quick way to assess whether your students are really picking up those important details about the people you study and their contributions.

Here is a close-up of what the foldable looks like. As you can see it has four flaps and covers the most important components from the standards. There is also a rubric to making grading easy!

Hope you love this item as much as I do! I'd love to hear how you are using this item in your classroom.