
The Night Before Kindergarten

This past Tuesday our school had our Meet The Teacher Day in kindergarten. During this time, we got 50 minutes alone in our classrooms with the parents. I had their undivided attention as I went over procedures, curriculum, and then had them to fill out necessary paper work. This year, I decided I would end this time with a read aloud. I chose The Night Before Kindergarten  by Natasha Wing. It is a great little story with familiar rhyming text. It ends in such a way that I actually had parents dabbing their eyes as they thought about their little darlings going to school for the first time. It was truly a precious moment. After I read the story, I gave each parent a little survival kit: It was a sandwich reclosable baggy filled with a pack of tissue, an inexpensive magnet clip, a few Hershey Hugs, and my school business card magnet (I just bought some business size magnets and put the cards on those). Well, I have to say the parents absolutely loved it! I even had a parent say to me the next day how it "sealed the deal" for her when I read the story. I took that to mean that she felt comfortable knowing I was going to be her child's teacher. Well, here is a freebie with a few forms to help you with your Meet the Teacher day. After I made the survival kits, I created a poem that could be used to attach to each kit.

I hope you enjoy it!

Hugs and Kisses!