
Free Motivational Poster

The start of a new school year is always exciting, but as we all know, it can also be a time of great stress!  With the stress, often comes worry - which adds more stress.  As teachers we worry about so much at the start of a year: What will my class be like?  What challenges will I face?  Will the parents like me?  How do I balance academics with the demands of testing and data? How am I going to juggle life and teaching?.....the list continues on and on!  Kind of like "preaching to the choir" here - right?

Well, what if we changed from worry to being peaceful with it?  Is there a way to put it to rest?  That's something I've often asked myself.  I usually come to the conclusion that I can't eliminate all stress and worry, but I can change how I look at things.  I can choose to just focus on what is happening in the moment.

Here's a poster to help you to remember to stay in the present moment and not to worry about what happened yesterday or what's going to happen tomorrow or next week.

CLICK HERE for your free copy!
And.....teachers are not the only ones who can benefit by being reminded of this from time to time, so feel free to share with your non-teaching friends and relatives!  Enjoy the moment!

Till next time,