Looking for an easy letter/sound activity? These alphabet flip books are a great way to let your young students practice the letters and sounds in their names.
These are so simple to prepare. Use 12 x 18 white art paper. Fold it in half lengthwise. Open it up and using a paper cutter, carefully cut to the fold line. I measure my cuts to be every 2 inches for students with 6 letters or less. For anyone who has a longer name, I go down to 1 1/2 inch cuts. Students then write their name on the top with one letter on each flap. Underneath they draw something that begins with each letter.
These are so simple to prepare. Use 12 x 18 white art paper. Fold it in half lengthwise. Open it up and using a paper cutter, carefully cut to the fold line. I measure my cuts to be every 2 inches for students with 6 letters or less. For anyone who has a longer name, I go down to 1 1/2 inch cuts. Students then write their name on the top with one letter on each flap. Underneath they draw something that begins with each letter.
Olivia = octopus, lollipop, igloo, vase, ice cream and apple |