
Real Reading Rubric FREEBIE

Howdy!  Jen Bradshaw here from 

When you visit my blog today, don't be alarmed.  It does look a little different, but it's the same great resource.  

Real reading vs. fake reading.
Are your students FAKE readers?

We've all been there.  You know it's true.  You think you have the perfect guided reading lesson planned, but you look up to discover.....

Your class is NOT really reading.  That's right.  You have FAKERS in your classroom.  You have students off-task, playing, whispering, rolling around....believe me, the list can go on and on.

If you have ever experienced this same situation, you will want to check out my REAL READING VS. FAKE READING Freebie here, or by clicking on the graphic below.

What good readers do.
Real Reading Rubric
Best wishes!