
'Tis the Season to Get SUBS! FREE Sub Form.

Howdy!  Jen Bradshaw here from 
Teacher Karma.

FREE Sub Report to help you and your substitute stay organized when you are out of the classroom.
Sub Report ~ FREEBIE!

Can you believe that the holidays are here?  

'Tis the season to plan for a sub!  

Kids are getting sick, teachers are getting sick.... teachers need to do their Christmas shopping. LOL!

While I am being silly about needing a sub, there is NOTHING worse than waking up sick and trying to get all of your sub stuff together when you are running 102 deg. fever, or running to the bathroom every 2 minutes.

Over time, I put together a sub binder that I would use time after time.  It made preparing for a sub soooo much easier!  You can get started with your Sub Binder now with a FREEBIE!

Below you will find an example of the FREE Sub Report that you can leave with your sub to get a good picture of how the day turned out.

FREE Sub Report to help you and your substitute stay organized when you are out of the classroom.
FREE Sub Report

To download your very own FREE copy of the Sub Report and read more about organizing for a substitute, please click here.