
Informational Text FREEBIES!

Howdy!  Jen Bradshaw here from 

FREE Non-fiction resources and printables for the classroom.

No matter if you are a Kinder or 8th grade teacher, we all know that non-fiction is a HUGE deal!

To help your students take notice of what is most important to the author, teach your students to look at the text before they begin reading!  You will be amazed how this will improve their overall comprehension skills.   

If your students need additional practice with the following, please follow the link for your freebie:

  • seek out important text features
  • think about the information presented
  • make a decision on why the author added the particular text features 
  • better understand the text AND IMPROVE COMPREHENSION

Using text features to teach nonfiction.
Using non-fiction text features in the classroom

Non-fiction text feature graphic organizer.

Non-fiction text feature tools.

To get the non-fiction text feature FREEBIES and to read more about teaching your students about non-fiction text features,  please click here or on the graphic below.

Graphic organizers for non-fiction text features.

Best wishes!