
Converting Fractions: Tenths to Hundredths

Converting Fractions: Tenths to Hundredths

Helping students understand the relationship between tenths and hundredths fractions is crucial for developing their place value and decimal concepts.  It also helps them further develop their understanding of fraction equivalence and the base ten system.  It's very easy to tell students to just "add a zero" after both the numerator and denominator.  But using that "trick" won't help students understand the relationship between tenths and hundredths, and will lead to confusion and frustration further down the road when they need to rely on real understanding for tackling more difficult concepts.

Here's a free visual aid for helping students see the relationship between tenths and hundredths, and for helping them convert fractions from tenths to hundredths.  On these pages, the big square is one whole, so the long bars are tenths and the little squares are hundredths.

There is a pre-made one that can be printed and given to students as a reference (perfect for RTI!!):

And a blank one for students to create themselves:

Happy (Fraction) Teaching!!