
Digital Photo Frames and an Inspirational Quote Freebie!

Do you have an old (or new) digital frame around that you are not using?  Put it to work in your classroom to help reinforce concepts, lift morale, or recognize students in a fun way.  Most digital frames will play photos or jpeg files in a slideshow format from a usb drive or memory card.

What kinds of slideshows should you create for use in your classroom?
  • Sight words or vocabulary words
  • Photographs of students
  • Pictures of student work
  • Expectation/behavior of the week
  • Addition facts
  • Spelling words
  • Photos of bulletin boards
  • Photos of teachers & support staff with their names
  • Pictures from field trips 
  • Inspirational Quotes
An easy way to create a slideshow for your digital photo frame:
1.  Create a slideshow in PowerPoint.
2.  Choose File-Save As-Jpeg
3.  Choose "All Slides"
4.  You will get a folder of jpegs to save onto your flash drive.  Plug it into your digital frame and let the slideshow play!

Since I only teach my library classes once a week, I have a PowerPoint I call "Class Intro" that I prepare with concepts I want to share with each class.  These concepts include our school's behavior expectation of the week, our featured nonfiction section, a primary source of the week, and any other important info that I don't want to forget to share.  I can easily add these slides to my digital frame file on my flash drive using the technique above.  I keep the frame at the checkout desk so students can have a chance to review concepts while waiting in line to check out books.

If you'd like to try out your frame with some words of wisdom, you can download my Inspirational Quotes Freebie from my TpT store.