
Forced Analogies: A Critical Thinking Activity

I imagine you saw the title "Forced Analogies" and your mind started spinning.  Forced?  Does that word have a negative connotation?  I suppose it could, but in this case, it's considered forced because you take to seemingly unrelated items and create an analogy!

Forced analogies for crtical thinking freebie

For instance, in the example above, students have to force an analogy between energy and a calculator.  This definitely involves some critical thinking and requires students to "think outside the box" a bit!  Even you may be trying to think just how energy and glue can relate!

The fun part is, you can put almost any object in the outside boxes.  The word in the middle is the vocabulary or concept that you are studying!  

If you head over to my blog, you can read all about forced analogies and download a freebie!
Click here to check it out!

Happy Teaching!