
Common Core Math Checklist

Editable Standards Checklist

I love these standards because of the way they break down exactly what students need to know and understand in each grade.  I also love the way they layer and build, so that what students are introduced to in one grade becomes the foundation for more difficult tasks in the next, and is applied to higher order thinking and problem solving in the next grade.

The standards can be overwhelming, though, especially for those of us who are used to other ways of doing things.  Another challenging aspect is that there are often many skills and multiple understandings build into one single standard.

I find it very helpful to have an editable checklist of the standards.  I use it for planning- marking off which units will cover and review which standards.  For planning, I find it helpful to have the standards written "as is," so that I can keep similar concepts grouped together.

I also use it as a way of tracking student data and differentiating my instruction.  For tracking and differentiating, it's very helpful to have the standards broken down into individual skills or understandings.  This way, I can see where the breakdown is if a student isn't mastering a standard, and I can group students based on specific needs.

To help you get started, you can get the 

Happy (Organized) Teaching!!

Christine Cadalzo