
Cupcake Number Cards - so sweet!

If you're looking for some math resources to brighten up your room, these cute Cupcake Number Cards might be just what you're looking for. These number cards can be used as flash cards, placed on display in your classroom, or used as cards in a number game.

Number Cards are a very handy resource to help your students in the development of their Early Math skills - especially number recognition and number sense. Placing numbers in a variety of settings in your classroom environment, gives your students the opportunity to observe and recognize numbers on a daily basis. Number cards can also be used to help students develop an awareness of how much a number is worth, as they see numbers represented in a variety of ways.  

The first set of Number Cards in this set have the numbers, words and images.

 Click on image to download image
 Click on image to download

The second set of Number Cards are matching cards. With the number and word, separated from the cupcake images. These would be perfect for a game of concentration or snap!
 Click on image to download

I hope you enjoy some the colorful cupcake fun to your room, and have some math fun along the way