

The Song TRY by Colbie Caillat is a Free lesson plan with an analytical worksheet that deals with Body and Self Image.

Students will examine and analyze how the family, media and peers influence the health of individuals.

Learning Targets
  • Students will learn how the opinions of other people can impact personal health, and be able to describe how other’s opinions and behaviors can shape who they are and influence their decisions.
  • Students will learn this by viewing and analyzing the lyrics of Colbie Caillat’s music video and song “Try.
  • Students will be assessed by their written analysis and participation in the class discussion.


Q/A: Why is it important to understand how body image and self-esteem influence our decisions in how we present ourselves to others?  
(Everything you know, you learn from your family and your life experiences. It is important to know what your values are and why you believe them before conforming to other’s expectations.)
Work Session:

Prep:  Google TRY by Colbie Caillat  (or click on the link below):     Copy and paste into your web browser — you may have to copy this video to show it in your class if your school blocks   You could assign the video to be viewed as homework, or if you work at a bring you own device school system; you can view it during class on devices.

Click on the button below to get the Free Lesson Plan and Student Worksheet  from

Music is What Feelings Sound Like