
Valentines Color Match Game 2

Kindness can be taught! We have to model it and practice it on a regular basis, so you can never have enough FREE materials to accomplish that goal!

Add a Little Kindness from Looks-Like-Language!
This week's freebie gives you some extra game cards for my Valentine's Color Match Game, available for free in my TpT store here. The cards add some fun to the game, letting students get extra spins or cards after discussing kind words and actions.

A fun worksheet is included, too. Naturally! This is the month of love! So, head on over to my blog to get this week's freebie

Extra freebies from Looks-Like-Language!

To get ahead of the game for March, the rest of the Valentines Color Match worksheets are only available if you sign up for my weekly newsletter at my blog.

I hope to see you there!