
Fractions on a Number Line

Fractions on a Number Line

We all know how important it is to teach our students how to communicate, how to work together, how to problem solve, etc.  But who has the time??

One way to tackle this problem is to use tasks that both help students develop and practice content understanding, as well as help them grow as people.  Task based and project based learning are great ways to help students learn content as well as build important character traits and problem solving skills.

Here's an example of this kind of activity-
the Fractions on a Number Line 'Building Bridges' Teamwork Challenge.

In this activity, the students will need to work together (in teams or as a whole class) to use the clues to build five fraction number line "bridges."  They'll need to rely on their problem solving and logic skills, as well as their team work and communication skills.

When they finish, their 'bridges' will look like this:

Students can even come up with their own set of clues for building their own 'bridges' and challenge each other to build them!

Happy (Team Building and Fractions) Teaching!!

Christine Cadalzo