
Guaranteed!!!! Important Sex Talk Every Guy Needs to Hear


While teaching I had an opportunity to meeting Jackie Brewton (a successful motivational speaker) who taught a great lesson on Dreams / Decisions / Destinies – The Sex Talk Every Guy Needs to Hear – I trust you with my Life. You can get an idea of how influential she is by viewing a video trailer of her talk at – ( You can also find her at (


Jackie knew how I used my Legal Document Contract with my daughters (and how I used it in my health classes); she suggested I develop a similar contract for Males. Through talking with high school students she discovered the girls were now aggressively pursuing the guys and believe it or not, she believed guys had to learn how to protect their futures while maintaining their cool factor. She had become very sympathetic to guys and their issues involved in controlling their male sexual nature in a culture that encourages sexual activity.
One of Jackie’s points was, when you have sex before you marry, you’re telling the other person “here is my future, do with it what you will. If you won $100,000, you wouldn't do that with your money (here's my money do with it what you will). Why would you do that with your body? Be as possessive of your body as you are with your money. Your destiny as a man is to protect and provide for your family. You can start doing that right now.” Thus, the Legal Contract (Male) was born. My husband wrote it out in about 5 minutes. Who knows a man’s sexual nature better than a father with beautiful teenage daughters?
The Male Document is a selfish document — it screams this is a temporary relationship; you are temporary, if you get pregnant don’t contact me. If I get an STD, I’m going to assume I got it from you, I’ll sue. Whereas the Female Document was a serious look at the cost of a sexual relationship which is usually solely paid by the female, the Male Document is a tongue in cheek unromantic cold assessment of the function of sex between two unmarried people. This is not love, we are not a couple, and you are temporary so move on without making a scene. This document made the girls very angry. They saw the male view of a sexual relationship was different than they had imagined/ or dreamed of. The guys on the other hand did not like this document at all. As this document was read, the hostility from the girls was palpable. Besides, Mrs. Mccoy “I spend all this time and effort to get a girl to have sex with, if I hand her this…”
With the war on men in colleges, the boys might need a document like this to protect them from a charge of rape, attempted rape, sexual misconduct. In college, all there has to be is a complaint that __________ forced her to…, and guys are getting expelled from college, often without due process.
        If you are not aware, as a result of debunked claims that there is widespread sexual assault on women on college   campuses, there are severe regulations (pushed by the United States Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) in 2011) for adjudicated cases of sexual harassment or sexual violence. The regulations allow universities to circumvent due process laws and other standards of the criminal justice system. Colleges need only show a “preponderance of evidence” (50.01 percent) that an assault occurred rather than the usual criminal standard of “beyond a reasonable doubt.” In other words, because we think you more likely than not committed an assault, we can expel you from said college which can ruin your reputation and prevent you from being admitted to another college. There is no due process in sexual misconduct cases. There is no opportunity to discover facts, there is no opportunity to confront a witness and present a defense. In a effort to protect alleged victims, new regulations have completely abolished the rights of the accused.
What is really crazy, is that Jackie and I were ahead of our time.  Check out the article published July 7, 2015 in the National Review Online.

Advocacy group distributes sexual 'consent contracts' to college students

The Affirmative Consent Project, which advocates for "yes means yes" sexual consent policies, has been distributing "consent contracts" to college students across the country.

The contract states in big red letters: "YES! We agree to have SEX!" (emphasis original), and asks participants to take a photo together holding the contract. If a camera can't be found, then the participants would need to fill out the form included on the back of the contract.
The group provided the Washington Examiner with an image of the form, which simply states that on this date (fill-in-the-blank) "We agree to have consensual sex with one another." The form also provides spaces for two parties to sign and print their names.


Sex Contract Recommendation  -- Weblink at:
       This article discusses sexual contracts in more detail and shows that some states have even created laws concerning this matter.