
Poem in Your Pocket Day!

April is Poetry Month!  Are you planning on participating in this annual event Thursday, April 21st?  I am for sure!
“The idea is simple: select a poem you love during National Poetry Month then carry it with you to share with co-workers, family, and friends [on Poem in Your Pocket Day].” Poems from pockets will be unfolded throughout the day with events in parks, libraries, schools, workplaces, and

Our librarian is hosting this event at our school!  She has been working with all of the students at our school during library time.  My first graders are choosing poems and reciting during library time!  It's so cute!  I've created this frame for them to write their own poems during Work on Writing time! I also have lots of books with poems, songs and nursery rhymes for my students to copy and carry around in their pockets on Thursday!

As a school, we are asking the students and teachers to carry poems in their pockets and read to each other during recesses and lunch!  I know I'm looking forward it!

One of my favorite books to share with my kiddos is Pocket Poems by Bobbi Katz!  It offers a wonderful selection of short poems students can copy (love that penmanship practice) and carry around for reading!

I've created a cute paper for my kiddos to write their own poems.  It's yours for the taking!   Click the picture below!

Enjoy the Day!