Zoobilee Zoo Freebies

Hi Everyone!! I had been really getting my bucket filled lately with some sweet words and generous comments. I wanted to say "thank you" with a few freebies. Many people have been asking about zoo related items so I thought I would create them just for you!!!

This 18 page freebie packet has the following activities
Bear Necessities: Students can play this alone or with a small group. Print off board. Students will roll dice -add up their total and place a marker on that number or they can color in that number. The student's continue until someone has filled his or her board.
Zoo Animal Bubble Maps: Find out what your students know about zoo animals with these interactive bubble maps. (Zebra, Giraffe, Hippo, Lion, and Monkey)
Zookeeper Line-Up: Print animal name cards off onto cardstock and laminate for durability. Students will arrange cards into ABC order and record their answers onto the recording sheet. You could also print off cards onto paper- Allow students to cut out and glue onto paper in ABC order and then color.
Wild About Words: Copy the themed word cards, laminate, and place around the room. Students will need recording sheet, clipboard (if available), and writing utensil. The students will scurry around the room looking for pictures. Once they find a picture, they will write the name beside the picture. This is a "great" activity to practice letter formation and handwriting.
Thank you for filling my bucket!!!

You're all AMAZING!!
Mrs. Freshwater’s Class

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