The past few weeks our reading unit has been focused on homes. How homes are made, different home styles, animal homes, people homes, homes around the world, materials homes can be made out of get the picture.
My little people LOVE the non-fiction text! Kudos to Imagine It for that!
We started the unit by creating homes...I was brave enough to let them do it WITHOUT a pattern.
My poor classroom floor. *shudder*
Our custodians probablly cursed us, but they turned out really great! Each one was so different!
Once the kiddos were finished I had them compare their family's home to the home they created.
This week we focused on the White House. We started with a little anchor chart of schema. The blue information is what they knew before we read the story. The red information is what learned as we read.
Then I offered bonus points for independent additional/research information. I want my students to get a better understanding of the vast knowledge that's at their fingertips...beyond our reading series. As students came to me with more information they had gathered we added it to the chart in yellow. All week long they were itching to go to the library or get online and "google it".
It was exactly what I'd hoped for!
We used the anchor chart to help us sort facts and opinions.
They worked in groups to record their answers on this sheet.
Click the picture to grab your free copy!
We also did a little comparing and you can have that free download too!
Just click on the picture.
Happy weekend freebie lovers!