Digital Phonics Learning Activity for Winter

Start the New Year out with a BOOM.  Boom Digital Boom Task Cards™ are dynamite. Pardon the pun, but they really are explosive digital learning activities.  At first, I was I little skeptical of more “computer time,” but once I started using and creating them, I fell in love.  I have mentioned that I love using games to teach because they work exceptionally well for struggling students and dyslexics.  Plus, they are motivating and fun. 
Now I have yet another resource in my teaching toolbox.  They are high-quality digital game task cards for reading, phonics, math and more.  Since they are created by teachers, you can find decks on any topic or grade level. Students can play them on computers, ipads, tablets, and phones.  Teachers can use them on whiteboards.  Students complete each card by drag and drop, point and click, or fill in the blank.

Try this free deck to see how it works.  This is a fun winter phonics game where students practice initial consonant r blends while building a digital snowman. Great for strengthening phonics and phonemic awareness skills, decoding, and spelling. Each card has a picture and sound. Students choose the snowman part that matches the blend they hear and add to the snowman. At the end they have a completed snowman. As a bonus, they can decorate and redecorate a snowman on the last card. Blends included are: br, cr, dr, fr, gr, pr, and tr.


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